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How to understand the greater the frequency characteristic of electroacoustic equipment, the better the response?

Time:2017/8/7 9:59:17

As a kind of knowledge, we should know the frequency range of the human ear response is 20HZ to 20KHZ, that is to say the human ear can only hear the sound frequency range to 20KHZ in 20HZ, and for more than this range cannot be heard, whether it is lower than that of 20HZ voice is higher than the 20KHZ voice.
The frequency characteristics of electro acoustic equipment and ear almost, it only responds without distortion to the frequency component of input signal part does not exceed the value of the frequency characteristics of equipment, and on some more than the frequency outside the range of the frequency components of the input will produce distortion, even if the difference is obvious, it is may not produce the response. For example, if a type of microphone frequency response index is from 85HZ to 12kHZ, said in the frequency range (85HZ to 12000HZ) for input audio signals to the microphone without distortion, and less than 85HZ of frequency, this microphone may not reach the expected effect, rather than the 12kHZ input signal, this microphone also can not reach the expected effect.
Generally speaking, the higher frequency range of electroacoustic equipment is relatively wide, so these high-end devices can respond more acoustic fidelity and the output audio signal, therefore, the use of electro acoustic equipment high-end is a wise choice. However, it varies from person to person. Because if a person's frequency characteristics are lower than the lower limit of the high-end electroacoustic equipment, then it is also a waste of resources. So, the right choice is the best choice.
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