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Magnetizer structure

Time:2017/7/21 12:15:38

Magnetizer is a magnet for various types of ferromagnetic objects, plus magnetic tools, its volume is relatively large, not a small tool in general. Generally speaking, its operation should be used in conjunction with the water cooler. Although the magnetizer seems to be relatively large, and the area is not small, but its internal is rather simple, and even can be said to be very simple. Why do you say so? May I have a look at the internal structure of the magnetizer?.
When the magnetizer is opened, the structure is simple and relatively easy to understand. In fact, this seemingly huge magnetizer is an electromagnet with a very strong magnetic force, and this electromagnet is different from a general electromagnet. The electromagnet volume is relatively large, is equipped with a variety of shapes and a combination of iron. This large electromagnet is the main component of the magnetizer, which is used as an additional magnetic pole. In order to be filled with magnets to form a closed magnetic circuit of magnetizing machine in the magnetization, the electromagnet is arranged on the connecting pole as an additional charge and magnet in the exciting current under the action of the moment to be filled filled magnetic magnet.
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